These are the 3 secret study tips people don’t want to tell you. So stick with us till the end to learn the 3 secret study tips to become a topper.
1. Full Potential
When you are studying get rid of all the distractions, and avoid multitasking. Give your brain the full potential for reading. Keep all your devices including your phone. You can have longer breaks than the usual ones. But be consistent in the time you are reading.
Before going into the 2nd tip grab a bottle full of water. Keep it beside, drink the water after every page or when you see the bottle. It helps you get rid of drowsiness and in keeps you concentrated.
2. Recall the things you read
After reading a concept, close the book by placing your hand in between as a bookmark and try to recall it. If you can’t recall it without talking, just say it out. If that doesn’t work, the best option is to grab a book and write down the things you read.
After identifying the things you can’t remember when recalling or writing. Write down the things & read them. Repeat the process until you can remember the concept. If needed you can skip some unimportant or unwanted concepts.
Before going to the 3rd tip check out our guide for taking running notes as it plays an important role.
3. Shorten the break time
At time studying try to shorten the break time and use it for important things. Which gives you more relaxation like talking to a friend/parents, listening to music. You can even learn some skills in the break time that helps in your studies. It takes less time to recharge yourself, so the break time won’t be more than your study time.
So these are the 3 secret study tips. Subscribe below to get notified for study tips, strategies & more… Comment down which one of the tips you are going to use.