
The word ‘inforeads’ contains ‘info’ means information & ‘reads’ means read. On this website, you will get exams updates, guidance & resources for cracking any government/entrance exams.

We provide information which can help you gain the knowledge and educate yourself from reading and learning from our website.

We provide guides, preparation techniques and strategies for various competitive & government exams from the perspective of students.

People behind Inforeads.in

We are group of people passionate in writing and providing education at liberty.

How it all started

When we were looking for some previous year’s question papers and handwritten notes, I couldn’t find them on the internet. So we created this website to provide resources to help others in cracking exams.

You can contact us by visiting our contact page

For the lord give the wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding

Proverbs 2:6