How to take lecture notes

In this article, we will learn how to take lecture notes or take notes during the class. There are two things you can follow

Grab something to write 

Since it is going to be a lecture notes or quick notes. Grab a pen or pencil or anything by which you can write on a book, paper or even your reference book. Later on, you can use different items to rewrite the quickly written notes.


Write down the outlines of topics which was being taught by the teacher as quickly as possible. 

Mainly in the following situations : 

  • When the teacher says “Important point/question”
  • When the teacher raises his hand points towards the audience specifically.
  • When the teacher repeats or insists on specific content. 

Write in notes or even a paper. If not you can write it down on the reference book from which the teacher is teaching. Find the free space beside the topic and write down the important things like outlines or important words(scientist names or alternatives or years).

Order of writing these notes 

Write from top to bottom and you can use the right side space after completing of writing on the left side. Don’t write here & there later on you will confuse. Try writing the main topic in big size and then the heading & subheadings. 

Points to remember

  1. Don’t always write the notes, listen to the class first and let it in your brain, then write down the things.
  2. Be attentive and don’t get distracted. At the start, Instruct your surrounding people not to disturb you during the class.
  3. Always notice the body language of the teacher when trying to say some important topic they try to convey the message by the body as well by the gestures and signals. 

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